Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This is why I am a loner..................

1) I trust nobody with my secrets there is maybe one or two and they are close family like my brother and sister. I have to be around you all of the time I do mean daily. Not as in saying "Hi" every blue moon or a facebook bestfriend, I mean sitting down and talking to you getting to know who you are and your ways.
2) I have come to the realization that I stay to myself because I don't like people.
People can really piss you off. 
3) I don't like to watch what I say, or think twice about somebody going back and twisting up my story.
4) I like to watch drama on T.V. then I change the channel. My life is quite and B.S. free.
5) People say and do the unnessessary.
6) When Friends become enemies you will be exposed, by word of mouth and facebook.
7) They talk about the other friends you hangout with..How do you know that they aren't talking about you?
8) There is really not such thing as a true friend but there is such thing as a long temporary friend.  Get it......Fri "END."
9) Facebook friends are just what they are suppose to be friends on social network. Unless you know them personally there is nothing to talk about..
10) I wish I could delete people in real life.
11) Not ever keeping it real because deep down inside they will tell you... you look good so that you won't look better than them.
12) Never genuine about what they do or have done for you. You better believe if they have done it for you somebody else knows about the deed as well.
13) There is a different in venting to someone and actually dogging your so called "friend" out.
14) I won't tag people when I am commenting about their status. No need it is my page, "U no Like" D-E-L-E-T-E it is so simple.  online gangstas, "OG's" are not gansta at all.
15) I like being me and being around myself.. Don't need no ones approval.
16) People have fucked up ways..and do fucked up stuff to others and I am a strong believer in Karma.
17) Hypocrites are the worse, don't judge me cause you may have or is currently doing what you are judging undercover.
18) I don't get into others business but people like talking to me and that is ok. I may tell or may not, but if I did..what.
19) I am not a bitch, but I am a firm believer in the three strike rule.
20) Don't have any enemies that is because I stay to myself, and start no shit. As the old saying goes, "Don't start not Shit...Won't be no shit!!"