One evening my mom let Mckinzie, Ojay and I watch "Coming to America."
Great movie. One of my all time favorites. Good laughs until I saw the "Sol Glo" commercial....
Omg!! I want my hair to look like that. Screw the beads and braids. I want hair that is silky smooth... I can run my fingers through it.... and shake it, beautiful and bouncy...... I want a Jerri Curl!!! I begged and begged... "Can I pleeeeaaaassseee get a Jerri Curl?" It came to many days that I fell down on my knees grabbing at her ankles. Most days she just said,
"Hell f---in no!!! Don't ask no more!!"
So I tried the non verbal approach and just clung onto her legs crying and she would just kick me off and keep on walking.
This isn't working cause usually when mama said, "No." that is what she meant it.
I went in her room with my head down, moaping around saying, " Grandma can I get a Jerri Curl..please, I will take care of it I promise."
Grandma felt sorry for me and told me I could get it on Saturday. My mom was pissed, but grandma talked to her about it and she seemed pretty cool, but warned me, "Next time I say NO. That is what the f--- I mean." I nodded, "Yes maam." Walking away smiling.. YES!!! I AM GOING TO GET MY JERRI CURL!!!! I was so happy... Hello world welcome the new Tiffany on Saturday with the soft and silk smooth....JERRI CURL!!! Saturday finally came........
I walked out of the house waving bye to my mom, brother and cousin. Knowing that they are gonna be jealous of me and my new doo. I can only imagine.......

Mama's last words to me as I got inside Grandmas car, "You sure you want to do this?" "Yes mama I am gonna be BEAUTIFUL!!!" She just looked at me, shook her head and went in the house.
I couldn't wait for grandma's car to stop I jumped out and headed to the beauty shop saying, "I am happy I am getting a Jerri Curl today!!" They all looked at me like "Okay."
So grandma came in and introduced me to the beautician named "Liza." She too had a Jerri Curl, but she had a blond patch in the front of hers and that was cool.
She started working on my hair very quickly.
I was seeing my hair falling from my head...I was thinking what the f@#*!!
"Why are you cutting my hair?"
"Oh honey you have dead ends, it is just a trim."
More and more of my damn hair started to fall...
More clipping......wash....rolled...under dryer......taken out......
and w-a-l-a-h
What the hell happened!!!
My grandma let me walk through the door first. The walk of shame.. My mama was standing in the hall way shaking her head in a, "I told yo ass." mannerism. My brother and cousin put their hands over their mouths trying not to laugh. If I would have saw any teeth from either one of them..I definitely would have sprayed them in the face with my "Care Free Curl Activator."
I laid on the bed, my grandma came in rubbed my back and said, "Honey your hair will grow back." she gave me a hug and said, "I have something for you and you have to use this all of the time." Smiling I thought it was a special gift for me after this horrible experience. She pulled out a clear plastic shower cap.....
Constant threats of knocking some hair on my head, knocking it straight, and knocking the grease off my face, if I didn't wear the cap. Woke up with a greasy face every morning, didn't want to stay outside long on hot summer days like the other kids activator always ran down my face, in my eyes and shirt. Plus, I was afraid of shrinkage into a box fade. My head freezing in the winter time because I couldn't wear my knitted hat, due to the activator and the worse of all many sleepless nights due to the crunching of the plastic cap, whenever I moved or changed positions that sounded like someone was crunching a brown paper bag in my ears.
The sad thing is that I was told I have to wait six month for the curl to wear down. I could not wait to get my braids and beads back.
Soft and silky smooth my ass...