Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bakery Sale Compliments of Fido...

At the age of 10, I was a very experimental young girl. I was always finding ways to make some extra cash. I couldn't come to terms of me being called a schemer but an business woman preparing for my future.
Well my daddy just went to the grocery shopping. I am helping him put the food away and came across, "Cookies" I was excited  and ready to demolish all of them till they were gone.
Oh man I couldn't wait to taste those delicious cream filled Oreo cookies, soft oat meal frosted cookies and those sweet chocolate chip cookies that will dance with my taste buds and swim along with the coldness of milk to wash it all down..hmmmmmm..
I grabbed the cookies and daddy grabbed me. "These are for Fido don't eat those dog cookies." Confused I had to ask,  "Where is mine?"
 "Honey I ran out of money. Next time OK..Love you." He ended that conversation with a kiss and headed off to bed to take a nap. I could have sworn I saw Fido smiling at me. I saw his teeth.

Daddy loves the dog more than me.
Then it hit me if I could get dad some money then when he wakes up, he can buy me all of my favorite tasty treats. I am a genius.

I looked around the room to find a plan. Maybe I can make lemonade and sell it. Naw. That takes too long. I need a money maker. Across the room on the table, I saw my
piece of heaven. Fido looked at me and growled. I looked back and smiled.
Peeping at dad to make sure he was sleep. His snoring told me all I needed to know.
I took all the cookies and poured them into my moms cookie basket. Made a sign using the back of an old Muppet babies poster. Taped it to my coloring table. I had a nice set up, I must say so myself.
Three minutes of being outside I started sell Fido's cookies and they were a hit. Two cookies for 50 cent. I made a killing. This old lady across the street asked me honey these are delicious, did your mom bake these I kindly nodded yes. She loved them so much she bought three dollars worth.

After those were sold. I quickly packed up and headed in the house, Fido following me. I ran to daddy and said, "I have some money, it is from my piggy bank can we please go get some cookies."
We went to the store. I was happy. Never did he question why I had mainly dollars instead of the nickels and pennies he always gave me.

And of course I have to give Fido some but only a small piece of my oatmeal cookie and that is because I dropped it on the ground.

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